Sunday, May 2, 2010

I am deeply saddened.

A friend I recently reconnected with has cut me out of her life. We were pretty close in high school, lost touch, and reconnected this year. She said goodbye last week, out of a misguided sense that she was somehow putting me before her husband. Not sure how, as we were just very good friends, and I'd barely spoken to her in weeks. I don;t blame her, she needs to do what she feels she needs to for her marriage. Just, sad. I have so very few people I really consider friends, to lose one for something so hurts. But, she cut contact, so I have removed her every place I can think of, from facebook, from following my blog, etc. Not to be mean, but to comply with her wishes.

This sucks.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry. That does suck.

Strings said...

Have to agree, it does suck.

But do you know the whole story? Could very well be a LOT more going on then you know.

Which sucks even more, if you think about it...

Hank said...

Controlling abusive husband? Or paranoid schizophrenia?